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Updated: Jun 13, 2023

eZsimulator Femoral

What are your
training program struggles?

Not enough ultrasounds available?

The budget doesn't allow for enough ultrasounds?

No allowance for individual practice?

Space is not always available?

While Valkyrie can’t solve all your training challenges, we can make these challenges a little less burdensome with the introduction of the eZSimulator system as the first step in skills acquisition and development.


The eZSimulator is a learning system for interventional sonography of all disciplines. This learning system consists of a combination of the software eZSimulator, the eZGuide® USB Probe, and eZSim Basic Trainer. This training system provides an innovative needle navigation system and a virtual patient (sonoanatomical patient images) on which you can train unlimited times.

esimulator software


eZSim’s Software provides Ultrasound-supported as well as ultrasound-navigated procedures from various fields for effective skills acquisition independent of an ultrasound system. Train, learn, and practice Out-Of-Plane (needle perpendicular to the ultrasound plane) procedures as well as In-Plane (needle in the ultrasound plane) techniques. In addition, the software offers 5 optional procedures.

  • Central Venous Catheter

  • Interscalene

  • Axillary Brachial Plexus

  • Femoral

  • Popliteal


The Needle Guidance System (NGS) detects the position and direction of magnetized needles in relation to the probe and visualizes this information on the ultrasound image. The spatial positioning of the needle in relation to the ultrasound image is then displayed in real time. The probe is a “virtual” probe that has only the sensors for needle detection. It does not include an ultrasound array and therefore cannot emit ultrasound.

NGS is a powerful teaching tool for demonstrating the importance of needle tip tracking that builds a level of confidence. Once confidence is gained, disengage NGS for further demonstration for skills acquisition.

eZsimulstor with eZguide enabled

eZguide characteristics


An eZSim Basic Trainer is provided with the system as an interface for probe and needle alignment and does not contain anatomical structure. Since the natural action is to search for external landmarks for probe alignment, Valkyrie offers optional trainers in the shape of the body part required for each of eZSim’s 5 optional procedures.

Using eZSim with eZSim Trainers provide an easy transition to procedural training and practice using MiniSim ultrasound guided simulators.

eZSim v Minisim Chart


  • No ultrasound system necessary.

  • Virtual sonoanatomy enables patient-independent training.

  • Unlimited number of repetitions.

  • Time-independent training.

  • Cost-effective.

  • Using eZSim with eZSim Trainers enables an easy transition to MiniSim ultrasound guided procedure practice.

Valkyrie makes it easier by

offering package options

eZsimulator options chart



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